1. Get Your Financing Approved Before We Start. This will allow us to move quickly when you find your ideal home without the delay of seeking your financing approval at a critical time when time is of the essence.
2. Plan Ahead and Anticipate Future Changes in Your Life and Lifestyle. Whether retirement is in your future, a need for a home office, or an expansion in your family, these potential life changes should be factored into our plan.
3. Determine Your Non-Negotiables. What are some things that are non-negotiable for your dream home? Your Camino Real concierge can assist with finding the perfect home that fits your non-negotiable list. We will help you identify your non-negotiables and create a list that will become our guide in the process.
4. Research Communities and Neighborhoods. Together, we will study the location and community of your dream home. We will research local amenities, schools, community features, and the neighborhoods you might consider living in.
5. Decide To What Extent You Are Willing To Renovate. This is both a budget factor and a time, effort, and inconvenience factor. We will help you determine if the cost of any renovations fits in your financing plan and negotiate the price of your home.
6. Your Budget. An important part of finding your dream home is to help you find your dream home that fits your desires and lifestyle for the next chapter of your life and is within your budget.
7. Document Your Walkthroughs. When you’re viewing house after house, the features of each one can start to blend and create confusion about which house had which feature you loved. Collect floor plans. Take plenty of pictures and videos of each room, the exterior, and the surrounding homes.
We Will Help You Identify and Select Your New Dream Home
That Meets Your Desires To Live Your Best Life!
Before we meet, you might consider reviewing the following list for finding your dream home that will make our process easier and more enjoyable and help you save time, energy, money and stress.
Our mission is to provide you with a carefully selected list of properties that take all your requirements under consideration.